How did the parking company get my details?

The parking company gets the registered keeper’s address by applying to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).  The DVLA is is the governmental organisation responsible for maintaining a database of drivers and a database of vehicles in Great Britain, and issues driving licences, collects road tax, and sells private number plates.

The DVLA provides the registered keeper’s details to the parking companies under regulation 27 of the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2002, which gives the DVLA the legal authority to:  “make any particulars contained in the register available for use by any person who can show to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that he has reasonable cause for wanting the particulars to be made available to him.”

The DVLA charges £2.50 per vehicle to provide these details.

Before agreeing to provide the registered keeper details, the DVLA requests the parking company to sign a contract, stating they will abide by certain rules.  The contract sets out the basis upon which the DVLA agrees to provide Data regarding the Keeper of a vehicle to the parking company.  The data is provided using using the “KADOE service” which stands for “Keeper of A Vehicle at Date Of an Event”.

According to the contract, the parking company must:

  1. Comply with the law and industry best practice
  2. Be a member of an Accredited Trade Association (ATA).
  3. Advise the DVLA if the ATA findings any non-compliance issues.
  4. Sign a declaration of good standing
  5. Seek recovery of unpaid Parking Charges in accordance with the Accredited Trade Association Code of Practice, and using the procedure in
    Schedule 4 to the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (where the vehicle was parked on private land in England or Wales on a particular date)
  6. Otherwise seek recovery from a driver of unpaid Parking Charges in accordance with the Accredited Trade Association Code of Practice (where the vehicle was parked on private land in Scotland or Northern Ireland, or where the parking company has chosen not to pursue, or is not in a position to pursue the vehicle keeper by utilising conditions in Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012)
  7. Abide by the OFT Debt Collection Guidance whenever it seeks to recover payment of unpaid Parking Charges from

If you believe any of these rules have been breached, you should complain to the DVLA and to the parking company’s ATA (BPA or IPC).

A DVLA document states that “the biggest generator of complaints to DVLA is release of date to private car park companies”.  Read more …


DVLA Parking Company Audit report for April – September 2013




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